Join Civic and Community Leaders to Celebrate 2024 OASIS Arts Festival!

Los Angeles, California – Civic and community leaders from across hashtag#california will gather to celebrate and support the arts initiative for hashtag#communities at the 2024 OASIS Arts Festival, hosted by hashtag#OASISCenterInternational. With more than a decade of service to the community, OASIS Center International celebrates its annual hashtag#arts Festival this month.

hashtag#ArtUnites our hearts to dream a future of greatness,” said Jin Sung, OASIS Center International’s Founder and Executive Director. “We are proud that OASIS Center has provided free after-school opportunities for thousands of young people from across California to engage in hashtag#performingarts, hashtag#visualarts and hashtag#appliedarts. Our work is made possible by hashtag#mentors, hashtag#volunteers, hashtag#corporations and hashtag#strategicpartners, hashtag#CaliforniaSchoolDistricts, and generous hashtag#donors who believe the arts unite our community for a stronger society.”

OASIS has provided hashtag#freeafterschoolprogram for thousands of youths across California to engage in performing, visual, and applied arts. The festival recognizes the students who participate in OASIS hashtag#ArtLeads® programs and the programmatic partnerships that empower our hashtag#impact in the community. Festival attendees can participate in over 20 hands-on arts projects, experience hashtag#TaikoDrumming, hashtag#TapDance, and hashtag#BalletFolklorico performances, hashtag#FlowArts, and enjoy special recognition of our hashtag#LosAngelesUnifiedSchoolDistrict elementary school students.

The hashtag#CommunityResourceArena (CRA) is hosted by corporate partners and hashtag#nonprofits sharing practical resources and programs for the community, adding educational value to festival attendees. Scheduled guests include strategic and corporate partners, local businesses, civic leaders, and local artists, with youth performances by students from Los Angeles Unified School District Elementary Schools.

The 2024 OASIS Arts Festival is made possible by our sponsors: hashtag#TMobile, hashtag#PacificPremierBank, hashtag#UmpquaBank, hashtag#IslandPacificSupermarket, hashtag#USBank, hashtag#BancofCalifornia, and hashtag#FirstBank.
Event: 2024 OASIS Arts Festival
Location: hashtag#24thStreetElementarySchool, 2055 W 24th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90018
Date: Saturday, March 9, 2024, from 1 - 4 p.m.

For more information, visit


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