OASIS Awarded Prestigious California Arts Council Grant

State funds support artistic residencies in community settings
 SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA (June 5,2019) – Today the California Arts Council announced a grant award of $10,000 to OASIS Center International as part of its Artists in Communities program.

Artists in Communities (AC) centralizes artists and their artistic processes as vehicles for community vitality. AC grants support sustained artistic residencies in community settings. Artists must work closely with organizational partners and community members to produce creative projects that are relevant and responsive to their community.

The OASIS Arts Project is designed to mentor socioeconomically disadvantaged youth within low-to-moderate income communities, where there are limited educational resources. The OASIS Arts Project is a 20-week after-school program offered throughout the academic year and provides students with instruction in a variety of modalities, including architectural design, film-making, creative art journaling, tap dance, and cartooning. In an effort to further encourage kids to embrace the arts we invite mentoring from local professional artists. These artists commit to working with our OASIS program recipients in order to allow students to recognize their creative potential.

“OASIS believes that where art goes, so goes society,” said Jin Sung, Founder and Executive Director of OASIS Center International. “How we engage youth in the arts education will redefine the level of creativity and the innovation of our society. I am pleased to see that the state of California is increasing its investment in the arts and the youth – and we feel honored to facilitate this powerful process.”

OASIS Center International is one of 96 grantees chosen for the Artists in Communities program. The award was featured as part of a larger announcement from the California Arts Council, with grant funds totaling a projected $24,508,541 for 2018-19, the highest investment in statewide arts programming since the 2000-01 fiscal year.

“Arts and culture are inextricably linked to our humanity,” said Nashormeh Lindo, California Arts Council Chair. “They serve as a universal touchpoint for understanding and addressing our societal issues—dismantling inequity, healing trauma, reframing justice, inspiring truth and shaping futures. The Council is humbled to support the vital work of OASIS Center International and its passionate efforts to make a better California for us all.”

To view a complete listing of all Artists in Communities grantees, visithttp://arts.ca.gov/programs/program_files/1819/CurrentGrantees/FY18-19_Project_Descriptions_AC.pdf.

OASIS Center International’s primary goal is to positively impact low-income students through replicable arts mentoring programs and to encourage artists well-versed in their craft to give back to the local youth. Through the OASIS program, young students in low-income areas will have access to arts programs, broadening their horizons. The OASIS arts program encourages students to foster positive relationships with their peers and continue on a path to higher education.  

The mission of the California Arts Council, a state agency, is to advance California through the arts and creativity. The Council is committed to building public will and resources for the arts; fostering accessible arts initiatives that reflect contributions from all of California's diverse populations; serving as a thought leader and champion for the arts; and providing effective and relevant programs and services.
Members of the California Arts Council include: Chair Nashormeh Lindo, Vice Chair Larry Baza, Juan Devis, Jodie Evans, Kathleen Gallegos, Jaime Galli, Donn K. Harris, and Louise McGuinness. Learn more at www.arts.ca.gov.


OASIS Center International Awarded California Arts Grants


Planting the Seed at the 2019 Oasis Arts Festival