Katy Ramezani, PhD

Director of Educational Programs and Services in ACC

For more than 20 years, it has been an honor and privilege to have worked in Orange County Department of Education, in the Alternative, Community, and Correctional Education Schools and Services (ACCESS). I started my career in ACCESS as a paraeducator in juvenile hall. I have taught in community and correctional school settings as well as traditional schools, teaching 1st, 3rd, and 4th-5th grade level. But it was ultimately the at-promise and full of potential students who won my heart and I returned to ACCESS.

I earned my doctoral degree from University of Southern California in Urban Leadership. The research topic for my dissertation was “Use of Technology with At-risk Students in an Alternative Education Setting”. The premise of the research was to investigate how online classes are used in a county-operated alternative school program to maximize student achievement while optimizing existing financial and staffing resources to implement this goal. My dissertation was published as a book in 2011.

I currently serve as the Director of Educational Programs and Services in ACCESS. I am also the committee chair for Juvenile Court, Community and Alternative School Administrators of California (JCCASAC). JCCASAC’s mission is to support student success by creating a collegial network of county office administrators who: research and share best practices regarding new and innovative program options for at-risk students; provide training and assistance to new administrators; encourage legislation that advocates for the learning needs of all students; and give input and guidance to the Superintendents relative to the diverse needs of our student population.